Powder Selection

Sky’s the limit with colors these days for powders. The first question we ask our customers is what will the item being powder coated see for use and is it going indoor or outdoor?

Some powders are formulated for stunning aesthetics, others with a focus on durability. With thousands of options we will share our expertise to find the right powder for each application.

Below are three suppliers that we regularly source from. They each have their strong suits and offer different purposed powders. Feel free to check out their sites to get a sense of what’s out there.

Prismatic Powders Logo

Prismatic Powders

Prismatic Powders is the industry leader in color selection. With over 6500 options they are sure to have something that looks like your vision.

Tiger Coatings Logo

Tiger Drylac

The leader in strong industrial coatings. This is where we get all our stock whites, blacks, and some RAL’s. Protection is the first value aesthetic is secondary. Ideal for larger projects, 5lb minimum order quantity

All Powder Paint Logo

All Powder Paint

All Powder paint is a great source for RAL powders in a satin finish. They also carry powders adhering to FDA, UL, AAMA and other standards sometimes needed in a finish.

Color Matching

Color Matching

This can be the hardest part of a project. We can not mix or modify powders to match a paint code or physical item. Some of our suppliers provide colors that match trademarked or branded colors, while other times we have to just compare the piece to existing powder swatches to find the closest ones.

One international color system known as RAL is used in both powder coating and wet paints. These colors are very good options for Architects and Designers as they can be done in wet paint or powder.